How we can help

Peel Skin O2

Peel Skin O2

About Peel Skin O2

Professional Peels are a fast, effective, and non-invasive skin treatment, for immediate cell renewal and a refreshed complexion. We only use Professional Peels developed by Australian Doctor’s, formulated with premium ingredients to deliver the best possible results.

Your professional Skin Therapist will recommend a specific formulation that will give you the best results and address your particular skin concerns. We offer a range of strengths and formulations to suit your preferences.


                                            Pigmentation SKIN PEEL

This Peel will help reduce the appearance of redness, sun damage, and fine lines. Arbutin, Niacinamide (B3), Vitamin C assists in the regeneration of collagen and elastin. The Pigmentation Peel is perfect for dark skin types as they are more prone to a skin reaction. This can also be an ongoing peel for clients with sensitive skin.


                                              Anti-aging SKIN PEEL

This Peel is ideal if you want to reduce the ageing effect of fine lines and wrinkles. Lactic Acid, Mandelic Acid and Gluconic Acid, exfoliates, regenerating collagen and elastin while reducing the evidence of sun damage, uneven skin tone and fine lines. Gentle Lactic Acid reduces your skin’s sensitivity while effectively reducing sunspots.



                                             Blemish SKIN PEEL

Our medical blemish peel can repair and revitalize acne-prone and congested skin even after one treatment. Combination of Lactic, Salicylic and Citric Acid will remove dead skin cells, reduce sebaceous follicle blockage, and diminish acne-causing bacteria and helps reduce inflammation.


                                            BEFORE PEEL ADVICE

Before your peel your will have consultation.  Your therapist will determine which Pro-Peel will be best for your skin and your concerns.

Avoid excessive sun exposure prior to your treatment.


                                           AFTER PEEL ADVICEOST-TREATMENT ADVICE

Wear a sunscreen throughout your course of treatments.

Try not to touch your skin after your peel.

 Do not use tinted moisturiser or liquid foundation for at least 12 hours after your treatment.

The irritations or skin flaking, caused by new cells turning over rapidly, can be easily taken care of by applying a hydration or moisturiser cream. All those symptoms will disappear after 5-7 days.