How we can help



                          Continuous Ultrasound

  • Acute injury or inflammation.
  • Impaired circulation or sensation.
  • Impaired cognition or communication.
  • Eyes, anterior neck, carotid sinus, reproductive organs.
  • Deep venous thrombosis or thrombophlebitis (local)
  • Infection or tuberculosis (local)
  • Malignancy (local)


While the use of therapeutic ultrasound is not contraindicated in cardiac rhythm device recipients, its use can potentially affect pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs). … Component damage could occur if the ultrasonic waves are aimed directly at the implanted pacemaker or ICD.



Can you scrape off blackheads?

You can use a scrub to remove the top part of the blackhead but that does not take care of the underlying cause. The blackhead will soon resurface. Instead, try a well-formulated product with BHA (salicylic acid). Salicylic acid is an amazing ingredient for getting rid of blackheads.



What comes out when you squeeze a blackhead?

The oil from the sebaceous gland is emptied into the hair follicle and then onto the surface of the skin. … The stuff that comes out of a blackhead is primarily keratin (shed dead skin cells) and sebum (oil). The portion of this mixture that is exposed to air oxidizes and darkens.

How do you deep clean your pores?